New Star Wars Video Reveals How Many Times Characters Have Said 'Yes' Or 'No'

The Star Wars Universe has its share of awesome one-liners that most fans already know by heart. But have you ever wondered how many times the word "yes" and "no" have been used in all your favorite Star Wars movies? A new video counts it all down in a truly entertaining way.

The YouTube channel Star Wars Kids has always kept fans entertained with awesome content including the animated Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures. However, the latest segment makes it easy for younger viewers to count while also keeping adults enthralled. Star Wars By the Numbers explores just how many times "yes" and "no" have been used in the films. Check it out below.

The video starts off with Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, with its most memorable "no" being the drawn-out exclamation from Obi-Wan Kenobi as Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn. After the prequels, we get to see Solo: A Star Wars Story as well as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story before it's on to the original trilogy and the new trilogy concluding with Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

It's an easy win for "no" considering that there aren't a lot of Yes Men in the Star Wars films. And just to give "no" an awesome crowning glory, the final scene is Darth Vader bellowing the word after learning about Padme Amidala's death in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

It's still unclear if Star Wars By The Numbers is going to be an official segment on the YouTube channel but we're certainly hoping to see more awesome content in the future.

Star Wars: Episode IX premieres on December 20, so get your checklist for "yes" and "no" ready this Christmas.

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