Resident Evil 3 Remake is 90% Complete and Won't be Delayed

Resident Evil 3 Remake continues the trend of Capcom remaking their old IPs and fans can't get enough of it. The Resident Evil 2 Remake was glorious, with amazing visuals and some of the most stellar survival horror gameplay the series has had in years and that trend will likely continue when this new remake comes out. While most of us have assumed that the game won't be delayed, Capcom has ensured us that one won't be coming since they're almost done with development.

No joke, during an interview with Famitsu (via Gamestalk), producers Masao Kawada and Peter J. Fabiano stated that Resident Evil 3 Remake is already 90% done and they're just making sure that there won't be any bugs. Furthermore, they stated that the game will not be delayed so we will definitely be seeing it on April 3 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

This won't shock anyone since they're basically using the assets from Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 7, while also changing things up a bit. While the gameplay of Resi 3 won't be too different from Resi 2, there will be a bigger focus on exploration and action for the former. If you're wondering why they didn't just release this in February or March, they probably wanted to be extra safe with their production, which is a good approach.

Resident Evil 3 Remake will be coming out on April 3. The game will also come with Resident Evil: Resistance, a 4-on-1 multiplayer game similar to Dead by Daylight.

Read:Resident Evil 3 Remake Will Take Up More Space Than its Predecessor