From one of the most popular light novel series written by Nachi Kio with the illustrations of Eretto, Remake Our Life! now has its own anime series after a manga adaptation came out in 2018. Made by Studio Feel, Bokutachi no Remake will be coming out with Episode 1 so have your countdown set with the release date and time of the anime show.
Remake Our Life! Trailer
Yet another time travel anime series will be arriving with Remake Our Life! as Kyoya Hashiba, a game director whose company went bankrupt, went home as he tries to get back on his feet in life. One night, he was dreading what his life had become and when woke up one day, he finds out that he was taken back to ten years ago at the Tokyo National University, where he re-lives his life, but this time, choosing a different path.
Where to Watch Remake Our Life! Episode 1 with English Subtitles?
Remake Our Life! will be airing on Crunchyroll and those with a premium access subscription get first dibs on the episodes before it releases for free the following week for the price of $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year.
When is the Release Date of Remake Our Life! Episode 1?
Remake Our Life! Episode 1, titled Everything is Useless, will have a 1-hour premiere on July 3, 2021, for those subscribed on the premium access on Crunchyroll. It will be having a free release the week after for the general public.
When is the Release Time of Remake Our Life! Episode 1?
Remake Our Life! Episode 1 is scheduled for release at 11 PM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 7:00 AM PT
Central Time: 9:00 AM CT
Eastern Time: 10:00 AM EST
British Time: 3:00 PM BST
Remake Our Life! Episode 1 Countdown
Imaging already knowing what the future looks like, having to rewrite your own story, and taking other paths is a luxury on its own. Remake Our Life! begins in a few days so make sure to have your countdown set!