One of the most iconic anime series of all time is Voltron, which is about a team of five space explorers who pilot a giant Super Robot. However, despite its worldwide popularity, the franchise has never spawned a live-action adaptation which seems to be destined to do given that a lot of popular animes have gotten the treatment in the past several years. Now, it looks like that won’t be the case anymore as it looks like it is now venturing to the live-action world as well.
The Hollywood Reporter has reported that a live-action Voltron film is in the works with Red Notice director Rawson Marshall Thurber attached to co-write and direct. A bidding war between several studios is currently happening with Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, and Amazon Studios among the ones who are reportedly in the mix to pick up the project. However, Netflix is not in the running even though it is the home of the recent animated series Voltron: Legendary Defender.
The story for the potential film was conceived by Thurber and he will co-write the script with Ellen Shanman. Todd Lieberman and David Hoberman will serve as producers alongside Bob Koplar, the head of World Events Productions, the company that controls the Voltron property. A deal with a studio is expected to be made by the end of this weekend.
Given that a lot of anime or animated shows, in general, are being adapted in live-action nowadays, it is not surprising that there are plans to do the same for Voltron as well. Thurber is definitely a good director for this type of project since he has experience in making action films and it sounds like he is a fan of the franchise since he himself conceived the idea for the potential film.
However, if they are going to make a live-action Voltron film, it has to be made with a high budget given the nature of the story and the type of set pieces that they have to do since it deals with a Super Robot akin to the kaiju films. It would be curious to see if this project will eventually come to fruition and which studio it will land on. Since it is still in the early stage, it might take years before we’ll actually get to see the film.
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There is no release year yet for the live-action Voltron film. For now, you can catch all episodes of Voltron: Legendary Defender which is streaming on Netflix.