Sports anime has been popular these days and an original anime series by MAPPA is here focusing on water polo with Re-Main. It is written by Masafumi Nishida and directed by Kiyoshi Matsuda which follows the story of Minato Kiyomizu, who enters high school planning to get back on the game after he experienced a traumatic incident forcing him to give it up.
The show just premiered and Episode 2 is underway check here where to watch it and set your countdown with the release date and time now!
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Re-Main. Read at your own risk!
What Happened in Re-Main Episode 1?
In Re-Main Episode 1, Sorry, Who Are You?, Minato Kiyomizu, who finally woke up from a long coma after he got involved in a car accident. He dreads what happened as he was a water polo prodigy, an ace of their club. With three years lost in his time, he enters Yamagata High School with hopes of returning to the sport following his recovery.
Where to Watch Re-Main Episode 2 with English Subtitles?
For a monthly rate of $5.99 or a yearly rate of $59.99, Funimation offers an earlier viewing of the anime in its roster, including Re-Main. For those who have yet to subscribe for a premium account, waiting is the key as all the episodes of Re-Main and all other anime would be available for free one week after being streamed to premium users.
When is the Release Date of Re-Main Episode 2?
Re-Main Episode 2, titled I'm Not a Genius, will have its release on July 11, 2021 for those subscribed on the premium access on Funimation. The premiere will be available for free on the same date. Episode 2 will be out the week after, July 18, 2021, for free to the general public.
When is the Release Time of Re-Main Episode 2?
Re-Main Episode 2 is scheduled for release at 2:30 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 10:30 AM PT
Central Time: 12:30 PM CT
Eastern Time: 1:30 PM EST
British Time: 6:30 PM BST
Re-Main Episode 2 Countdown
Will Minato be able to get back on the water and play once more? How will his lingering injury affect his performance considering that things will never be the same again? Find out in the next episode of Re-Main!