The new Pokémon anime introduced Mollie, a healer who looks quite familiar. Following her appearance, many are wondering if Mollie is related to Nurse Joy in Pokémon Horizons.
Ever since the first Pokémon anime, Nurse Joy has been a constant presence. Despite there being many Nurse Joys who heal Ash and friends’ Pokémon, they all share a similar look.
Mollie is a special case as she looks strikingly different, though she still has enough of Nurse Joy’s trademarks for fans to wonder about a connection.
Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Pokémon Horizons, so proceed with caution.
Who Is Mollie in Pokémon Horizons? Meet the Rising Volt Tacklers’ Healing Specialist
Mollie was introduced in Pokémon Horizons episode 1 as a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers, though it’s in episode 11 where she gets the spotlight. There, she accompanies Liko and Roy in the forest.
During that episode, Mollie reveals that she comes from a family that specializes in treating Pokémon. While she’s also a healer herself, Mollie says that she declined to work in a Pokémon Center.
The reason she declined is that she wishes to heal Pokémon who are out in the wild, as many creatures can’t make their way to a Pokémon Center for healing.
This seems to have been against her family’s wishes, as Mollie refrains from even entering a Pokémon Center.
Does Nurse Joy Appear in Pokémon Horizons?
While Mollie seems to be the new Nurse Joy role in Liko and Roy’s adventure, that doesn’t mean the iconic Pokémon nurse is no longer part of the new anime.
For instance, a Nurse Joy who appears to be from the Kanto region appeared in the anime’s third episode when Liko went to a Pokémon Center.
Then, there’s another Nurse Joy in episode 23 whose outfit and look seem to indicate that she’s from the Galar region.
Interestingly, the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Nurse Joy design has not yet appeared in the series.
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Are Mollie and Nurse Joy Related in Pokémon Horizons?
Based on Mollie’s backstory, it’s implied that she is part of the Nurse Joy family, and she seems to be one of the few to not take up her family’s trade. For reference, Joy is the family name of the nurses.
The anime didn’t mention this explicitly, though the fact that she’s a healer coupled with her partner also being Chansey is a strong indication.
What’s more, even though she has a punk-inspired outfit, she still has the Nurse Joy signature pink hair. Finally, Mollie’s voice actress is Kei Shindo, who also voices Nurse Joy in the new anime.
It’ll be interesting to see if the Pokémon Horizons anime will explore her backstory more in the future. For now, fans will need to continue watching the series to find out more.
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