Following the story based on the manga series of Mirai and the other candidates to being the next God after he retires in about a thousand days, Platinum End already capture the interest and attention of many. Episode 6 is here with everything you need to know such as the release date and time you can put on your countdown and see where to watch the series.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Platinum End. Read at your own risk!
What happened in Platinum End Episode 5?
In Platinum End Episode 5, Death Sentence, Nasse gives Mirai a reminder that he is a candidate of being a god. Saki realized that such is true and she tells Mirai to wait for the right moment and relax for a second. Metro was able to notice Nasse and when he saw a girl who is a potential competitor in the title, therefore, he shot her wings and she lost it. Metro finally reveals his role: to eliminate all other candidates.
Where to Watch Platinum End Episode 6 with English Subtitles Online?
Platinum End releases a new episode weekly via Crunchyroll and Funimation where it is available in its original Japanese audio and English subtitles. For the subscribers of Crunchyroll for the price of $9.99 a month, or $79.99 a year, and of Funimation costing $5.99 per month or $59.99 a year, one can have earlier access of the episodes in both libraries.
Related: When Will Platinum End Be Dubbed in English? When to Expect a Dub Release Date for the Anime
When is the Release Date of Platinum End Episode 6?
Platinum End Episode 6, titled Two Painful Options, is slated for release on November 12, 2021, for the premium subscribers of Funimation and Crunchyroll. For those without a premium access subscription, it will be out for free the week after on November 19, 2021. There are 24 episodes all in all.
When is the Release Time of Platinum End Episode 6?
Platinum End Episode 6 is slated for release at 1:28 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 9:28 AM PT
Central Time: 11:28 AM CT
Eastern Time: 12:28 PM EST
British Time: 5:28 PM BST
Platinum End Episode 6 Countdown
Platinum End Episode 6 Countdown
How will Metro’s killing affect the plan of Mirai and more importantly, what would Mirai do in order to get an edge in the candidacy. Find out in the next episode of Platinum End. There is no news yet as regards season 2.