Overwatch - Baptiste Abilities Official Trailer
Overwatch has just announced their new hero in the form of combat medic Baptiste, and after the origin video, we now have a look at the character in action.
We see that Baptiste pretty much has a weapon that works like Ana called the Biotic launcher. I'm assuming this will heal teammates when they're hit but will deal damage to enemies. He also has this ability called Regenerative Burst which I think is his version of the biotic grenade. He also has this fantastic ability called an Immortality Field which grants people temporary invulnerability. Plus he has these Exo-boots that make him a very mobile hero.
His ultimate ability is called the Amplification Matrix, and it looks to make a small window that amplifies attacks given to enemies. It sounds pretty much like Orisa's supercharger, but it has to be aimed at a very specific window.
A lot of people are excited to see the arrival of a new hero, and it's likely that we'll be getting him sometime between March and June. With hybrid class characters like Brigitte going around, it's cool to think that we actually have a healer that can deal a lot of damage.
Personally, I'd be more excited to see a new game mode come to the game. You can only be so excited for new skins, but each event is just a repeat of the last year's game modes. Give us something new, Blizzard!
Overwatch is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
See Also: Overwatch Reveals New Hero Baptiste