In Dandadan, Turbo-Granny is a notoriously sour-faced yokai trapped in a toy cat. But what is the connection between her and Okarun? What are Okarun's Turbo-Granny Powers and how did he acquire them?
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Here's Everything You Need to Know About Dandadan's Turbo-Granny
Turbo-Granny is an infamous yokai who initially serves as an antagonist in Dandadan.
She is a cruel and sadistic spirit who used to comfort the spirits of girls who died violently but now has more violent pursuits, such as cursing and stealing the genitals of those who cross her.
After the main duo, Okarun and Momo, defeat her, Turbo-Granny enters a temporary alliance with them until she can regain her full powers.
She and Okarun made a deal, according to which she's obliged to help him find his missing kintama. In return, he will help her get her powers back. Until then, Turbo-Granny is trapped inside a toy cat.
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How Did Okarun Get Turbo-Granny's Powers?
Okarun's Turbo-Granny powers are a mystery for newcomers, but the manga does offer answers. In a sense, Turbo-Granny made her own bed when she cursed Okarun as her plans did not go as expected.
Okarun, who used to believe in aliens and UFOs but not in the occult, never expected to be cursed by Turbo-Granny.
To save Okarun from the curse, Momo and her medium grandmother, Seiko, are able to extract Turbo-Granny's consciousness from Okarun's body, but her powers remain.
This explains why Okarun still possesses these powers while Turbo-Granny has been reduced to her toy cat form until further notice.
Okarun's Turbo-Granny Powers Explained
Very importantly, Okarun was able to use Turbo-Granny's psychokinesis to keep his head safe from the curse, thus retaining his consciousness.
Since Turbo-Granny's consciousness was removed from his body, he is now able to use her powers to transform into a powerful yokai.
His yokai appearance is vastly different from Okarun's regular form, with long white hair streaked with red, and a dark lower-face mask with too many teeth.
One of the most important abilities Okarun gained since possessing Turbo-Granny's powers is immense speed.
He refers to his ability to maximize his speed as All-Out and uses it to evade enemies and to do multiple actions at once.
Another strange power related to his newfound speed is his ability to travel through telephone wires, which is pretty cool and different from other teleportation abilities we've seen in manga.
As the fantasy series is still ongoing, it'll probably be a while before we know if Okarun's Turbo-Granny powers return to their owner, or if there's another twist we didn't see coming.
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