A few episodes ago, Game of Thrones fans were losing their minds over a coffee cup that made it into the final cut of the show, and now with the finale having come and gone, fans have spotted another goof in the form of a water bottle next to Sam Tarly's foot.
Check it out:
We don't really know how the water bottle got there, but I'm sure we're going to be getting some kind of apology from whoever's fault that was. Some are using it as a joke to show that Sam was ahead of his time, trying to propose democracy then introducing the world to the wonders of plastic.
When it came to the finale, I guess a lot of character arcs wrapped up nicely, especially for the Starks. Though I kind of wish that Jon had a more relevant impact in the season, I guess it's fitting that he would live out his days with the Free Folk, seeing as that's where he was at his best in the show; plus he gets to leave all the hassle of politics behind.
One thing I couldn't get behind though was the death of Daenerys. If it's any consolation, Emilia Clarke wanted our last memory of Dany to be the young naïve girl who we were introduced to in the first season. I guess it's better this way instead of watching her kicking and screaming in madness.
Game of Thrones 8 is finally ended, and now all we can really do is wait for the first spinoff show which still has no release date.
See Also: Game Of Thrones Fans Freak Out Over Robin Arryn Pulling A Neville Longbottom