Game Of Thrones Fans Freak Out Over Robin Arryn Pulling A Neville Longbottom

The final episode of Game of Thrones should be getting some reactions about a certain death or a particular reunion. However, it looks like fans are currently more concerned about a returning character and his surprising development.

WATCH OUT! Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 spoilers ahead! Make sure to watch The Iron Throne before reading further!

In the season finale, the lords of the remaining Houses of Westeros convened to choose the country's new ruler after Daenerys Targaryen was killed by Jon Snow. Since Jon and Tyrion Lannister were both arrested by the Unsullied, it was up to the lords to make a decision. Tyrion ultimately convinced everyone to choose Bran Stark as the new King of the Six Kingdoms (the North will remain independent because Sansa Stark says so).

The most memorable part of the meeting had nothing to do with any of these. Fans were simply blown away by the fact that Robin Arryn, Lord of the Vale, is back and he has certainly pulled a Neville Longbottom.

There were jokes about the effect of breastmilk.

Someone thanked Sansa Stark for this glow up.

Either way, we're just happy that Robin is alive and well and thriving without his mother (or Littlefinger). Additionally, the actor Lino Facioli may now change his Instagram bio from "that weird kid on Game of Thrones" to "I stole Bran's thunder."

So there you have it, Game of Thrones is officially over. If there's anything we've learned from this show, it's that breastmilk is best for growing boys like Robin Arryn and Tormund Giantsbane.

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