New 'Star Wars' Short Relives 'A New Hope' Final Battle From Han's Perspective

Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

One of the most memorable moments in Star Wars: A New Hope was when Han Solo (Harrison Ford) turned from a smuggler into a hero. Han initially had no intention of getting caught in the war between the Rebellion and the Empire. After taking his payment for helping save Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), he left in the middle of the preparations for the Death Star takedown.

However, he ultimately had a change of heart and came back just in time to clear a one-in-a-million shot for Luke (Mark Hamill) in perhaps one of the most poignant character arcs in Star Wars. Even Darth Vader didn't anticipate the last-minute assist.

This iconic moment was recreated by Star Wars Kids in animated form. This time, however, it was told from Han's perspective.

We are treated with a short but sweet exchange between Chewbacca and Han--the former convincing him to come back with a somber howl and the latter remaining firm. Deep down, the Wookie knew his buddy wasn't going to leave his new friends behind.

I, for one, enjoyed the extra scene. It made Han Solo's finest hours in the whole franchise much richer. Fans of the character will surely love it too. Check out the video below.

The minute and a half-long animation has reignited the fan interest for an animated version of the original Star Wars trilogy in this particular art style.

This will certainly bring in a new generation of fans. After all, some kids can be turned off by the dated effects of the original films. Maybe if we petition for it hard enough, Lucasfilm would do it! Besides, remaking Star Wars in live-action form would be too controversial.

For now, however, these little gems might do. Star Wars Kids takes a bit of creative freedom. You can also check out this compilation of Han Solo animated shorts by Star Wars Kids, which includes Han's funny reaction to Leia saving their skins in her very own rescue mission.

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