New Star Wars: Episode IX TIE Fighter Possibly Revealed

There is little doubt that we will be seeing awesome new things in Star Wars: Episode IX. Fans are already expecting to see new red Stormtroopers in the upcoming film. Interestingly, these red Troopers could arrive in an awesome TIE Fighter that has recently been unveiled.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is only a few months from opening at Disneyland and we're getting some new details about the park expansion. It was previously reported that the expansion will introduce the 709th, which is also known as the Red Fury, an elite squad of First Order Stormtroopers. Not surprisingly, the new Troopers will be flying in in a new TIE Fighter as well, which is called the TIE Echelon. Here's a leaked image of the new ship.

TIE Echelon from Galaxy's Edge (and maybe IX?)

The TIE Echelon certainly has some similarities to Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer as well as Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1. It's an awesome aircraft and there are already speculations that it will show up in Episode IX.

It wouldn't be a huge surprise if the First Order ship and its red-armored passengers actually make an appearance in Episode IX. After all, most of the features at Galaxy's Edge are so awesome that it would be a shame to pass up the chance to show them off in the film. Although it might be too soon to confirm anything for Episode IX, fans who can't wait can expect to see the Red Fury and the TIE Echelon at Disneyland this summer.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge will open at Disneyland this summer. Star Wars: Episode IX premieres on December 20.

Related: Star Wars: EpisodeIX RedStormtroopers Possibly Confirmed By Disney Rep