New Mutants Fans Debate Over September Disney+ Release 'Trailer'

Credit: 20th Century Studios

Credit: 20th Century Studios

Josh Boone's New Mutants has faced a long journey towards its release to the big screen. Initially set to debut back in 2018, New Mutants was pushed back to February 2019, landing at a later date of August then sticking with April 3rd of this year. However, the coronavirus pandemic became another reason for the movie's delay, giving it its current release date of August 28. Its unfortunate experience of having various premiere dates have fans wondering whether Disney would just release the film straight to its streaming service, and a trailer recently making the rounds online seems to be supporting this.

Spotted by Johnathan Antony, a trailer made its way to Twitter on Tuesday morning, showing clips from the upcoming film along with the text that the New Mutants will have a September 4 Disney+ release date. The streaming service's logo is also present in the bottom-right of the clip.

While various sources have deemed the trailer fake, some fans and scoopers pointed out new clips have made its way to the supposedly fan-made trailer. This has fans debating over the teaser, speculating that it could actually be real given the new angles of the same scenes were featured in the clip. You can check out some of the fans' thoughts below!

MCU Cosmic's Jeremy Conrad even made a thread of the scenes and elements in the fake trailer that wasn't present in the previously released trailers.

Regardless if it's real or not, the clip certainly got the fans excited for the movie. TheNew Mutants will be taking part in Comic-Con@Home on Thursday, July 23, fans might get the answers they have about this seemingly fan-made clip until then.

The New Mutants is set for release on August 28.

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