The world of Dungeons & Dragons has primarily revolved around European stories for several decades. However, it looks like future publications will feature more diversity as they will explore regions of the Forgotten Realms that were most influenced by other cultures.
The revelation was made on a recent Twitch stream by Nathan Stewart (via The D&D senior director noted during his monthly Spoilers & Swag chat with game designer Kate Welch that there are several planned books that will cover areas in the Forgotten Realms that take pointers from non-European cultures. Welch concurred that this would be something fans are looking forward to. After all, she has found several inquiries about books that would focus on regions influenced by Asian, African, or Middle Eastern cultures.
Stewart pointed out that the upcoming adventure will not immediately focus on the mysterious areas of the Forgotten Realms. However, it is something that people can look forward to in 2020. Stewart also confirmed that Wizards of the Coast were already looking for consultants who can help work on the new storylines.
It has not yet been revealed what the new D&D publications will cover. However, there is a huge possibility that Kara-Tur, Shaar, and Zakhara could be the main focus of the new books. After all, Kara-Tur is noted for its nations that have major Asian influences while Shaar resembles the African savannah. Zakhara also happens to be the location of the Al-Qadim campaign setting with its unmistakable Arabian theme.
The first D&D book for 2019 is expected to drop in the first quarter of the year.
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