Daredevil Star Deborah Ann Woll is Launching Her Own Dungeons and Dragons Show

We might not see her play as Karen Page for two years (Thanks Netflix/Marvel), but it looks like Daredevil actress Deborah Ann Woll isn't going to let that stop her from doing anything. Now that she's not in the show, Ann Woll seems to be planning one of her own as she announced a new Dungeons and Dragons show called Relics and Rarities, which will have her as the series Dungeon Master (DM).

This is an interesting place to go after Daredevil but there's no denying that Dungeons and Dragons is a pretty hot commodity, as anyone who has watched Stranger Things or played any Western RPG video games will know. The show will be the latest installment from Geek and Sundry, and getting a star like Ann Woll is going to get a lot of attention.

Dungeons and Dragons isn't just one of the biggest RPGs out right now but has been one of the most popular ones for decades. Overwatch voice actor Matt Mercer has experienced a lot of success with his DnD show Critical Role, so seeing other celebrities try and get that kind of money is more than understandable. Fan-favorite actor Terry Crews is also a huge DnD fan.

Here's a synopsis for the show (via Newsarama):

"Set in a mysterious curio shop in the sleepy town of Bellbrook, Relics and Rarities combines gripping storytelling, thrilling gameplay, and a dash of the unknown as the cast complete puzzles, fulfill missions, and wield their chosen relics in a way that fans of RPG shows have never seen, and fans who are not familiar with the RPG format can easily step into," reads Geek & Sundry's description of the show. "Part procedural, part game, and part graphic adventure, the show is sure to ignite the imaginations of fans across genres."

Relics and Rarities will debut on Alpha in February 2019. There will be a number of celebrity players, including Tommy Walker (Daredevil, Henry Danger), Julia Dennis (Lofty Dreams, What Would You Do), Jasmine Bhullar (Starter Kit: Vampire the Masquerade, Twitch's ThatBronzeGirl) and Xander Jeanneret (King of Nerds,Sagas of Sundry).

Read:Terry Crews Is Intense Playing Dungeons And Dragons