New Batgirl Set Photos Show Michael Keaton Suiting Up as Batman

When it was announced that Michael Keaton is suiting up again as Batman on The Flash thirty years after he last played him in Batman Returns, a lot of fans got very excited as they never thought that they'll see the actor return in the role again. Later on, we also learned that he will also be playing the Caped Crusader in Batgirl signifying that his comeback won't just be a one-off. As the film is currently in production, thanks to the new set photos, we now have our first full look at Keaton wearing the iconic suit.

A new batch of set photos from Batgirl is currently surfacing online in which we get a glimpse of Keaton wearing the Batsuit, the same one that he wore in the Tim Burton movies. While the photos are not necessarily in HD since the photographer took them from afar, you can still tell that Keaton hasn't lost his touch and he still looks as awesome as ever wearing the Batsuit which still has the glowing yellow emblem of a bat.

You can check the photos here courtesy of Batgirl Film News on Twitter:

It is awesome to see Keaton wearing the Batsuit again and still look cool years after he last wore it. While we did see a little glimpse of him during the teaser trailer released at the DC FanDome event last year, we only heard his voice and saw the back of his cowl. This one is our first full look at the actor wearing the suit and he still definitely has it.

While it is exciting that the actor will be returning to play the Caped Crusader again, there are still a lot of questions about his involvement in The Flash and Batgirl. We do know that he may be helping Barry Allen deal with his multiverse dilemma in the former, the details regarding his appearance on the latter are still scarce and a lot are speculating that he will serve as the mentor of Leslie Grace's Barbara Gordon as she becomes the titular hero. Either way, we can't wait to see Keaton as the Caped Crusader on our screens again.

Also Read: Former Batgirl Alicia Silverstone Reacts to Leslie Grace's Suit

Batgirl is set to be released on HBO Max later this year.