Today, as part of Geeked Week, Netflix has revealed the first five minutes of the upcoming Filipino supernatural animated series, Trese, which is based on the award-winning comic series by Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo. Trese follows detective Alexandra Trese who deals with supernatural cases in the city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines.
Netflix released the five-minute clip of Trese during today's Geeked Week, and it features a short opening scene of a group of Filipina women getting out of the Manila light rail transit (LRT) train only to encounter a group of deadly red-eyed vampires.
Watch the clip below:
Although there are some cool artwork of Manila here, overall, I'm not that impressed with the animation. I think it's cool that Netflix is producing a Filipino animated series though instead of Japanese, and I'm sure the Filipino community will enjoy watching this supernatural anime.
Here's the official trailer for Trese:
Trese is coming to Netflix on June 11. For more information about the show's release date, cast, and plot, check out all the details here.