Anime fans have a lot of reason to rejoice as Netflix has officially begun work with the live-action adaptation of Yu Yu Hakusho. Considered as one of the quintessential animes of the 1990s, Yu Yu Hakusho aka Ghost Files follows the adventures of a young spirit detective named Yusuke who miraculously comes back to life after a fatal car accident. The animated adaptation of the classic shonen manga series is also famous for its Dark Tournament arc where Yusuke, along with his teammates Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara battle monsters and fighters from the underworld.
As it stands, we still know very little about the upcoming Netflix series' actual plot but it's safe to say that it'll be somehow faithful to its source material, aesthetically speaking, at least. Leaked set photos from Yu Yu Hakusho's filming have been making the rounds all over social media and it features actor Kitamura Takumi as Yusuke who sports the character's signature green school uniform. Plus points for accuracy! Check it out here.
I gotta admit, I'm a bit skeptical about this project as I grew up watching the original anime and I don't want its image tainted should the live-action version bomb. Naturally, all the pressure in the world is on the streaming giant right now but I'm hoping that they've learned from their mistakes with the live-action adaptation of Death Note. But giving credit where credit is due, it looks like the people behind the series will do everything in their power to make this one a success. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Netflix's Yu Yu Hakusho live-action series currently has no premiere date but you can stream the anime on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu.
Also Read: Netflix Announces Live-Action Adaptation for Yu Yu Hakusho