Earlier this year, Netflix premiered a show called Russian Doll which was a magic-realist show focusing on a woman who relived the same day after dying—pretty much Groundhog Day but with an Edge of Tomorrow reset button. The first season felt like it wrapped up fine, but news has it that Russian Doll has been renewed for an eight-episode Season 2.
Deadline reports that it was announced at Recode's annual Code Conference by Netflix content VP Cindy Holland. Talking to co-creator/star Natasha Lyonne, Holland said, "Want to do a season two, Natasha?" to which Lyonne replied:
"Me, Cindy? Same show, just weirder? Are you sure?... Nadia Vulvokov is a coder, as you know, so I guess it would be somewhat appropriate to maybe have this be the time and place to say yes, very much so, I would love to do that, Cindy."
We don't really know what to expect when it comes to a second season, but I guess the finale did leave a few questions to be answered. For one, it really isn't explained why Nadia ended up in the loop in the first place. If anything, it was all a very loose metaphor about troubled people helping each other. I guess explaining the "science" behind the show isn't really the point, but it did go in-depth with technicalities when Nadia was explaining that her predicament was like a bug in a computer code.
Hopefully, the showrunners find something better to do with the second season, because in all honesty, I thought Russian Doll was kind of longer than it needed to be. I'm pretty sure you could have pumped out the same story with the important beats in half the number of episodes.
But that's just my opinion.
No release date has been announced for Russian Doll Season 2, but you can catch the first season on Netflix now.
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