Netflix’s One Piece to Begin Shooting in South Africa in September

Despite having become a meme when it comes to terrible anime adaptations, Netflix is set to push forward with their live-action takes on One Piece and Cowboy Bebop. With Bebop already having finished a couple of episodes, we have a small update on the series based on Eiichiro Oda's hit manga.

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Talking to SYFY Wire, Tomorrow Studios' Marty Adelstein had given an update on Netflix's One Piece, saying:

"We were supposed to start filming in August in Cape Town, South Africa. We anticipate the date being able to film [now is] September, at the latest… We have basically all 10 scripts written. We will start casting when we go back. My suspicion is June 1, but we will start doing our casting. We have a lot of names that we're talking about, and we should be in production in September. We have been working very closely with Sensei Oda. So, we're going to get started, and this one is very big. I mean, Snowpiercer was a big production; this is even bigger."

For now, at least we know that the show is basically done when it comes to scripts. We don't really have any idea about the casting process yet, but I'm sure a lot of people are going to demand that the cast be dominantly Asian. We don't know what the series is looking for as of now, but hopefully we get some details on the casting call this June.

Personally, I don't know how excited I should be for the show yet. Adelstein promises a grandiose production, but I can't really gauge it based on how Snowpiercer looks. Hopefully we get a good idea once Netflix releases Cowboy Bebop.

No release date has been set for One Piece or Cowboy Bebop.

Read Also: Netflix's Cowboy Bebop Series Has Already Completed Three Episodes and Won't be Whitewashed