Two of the most awaited anime series coming up on Netflix, Edens Zero and Shaman King (2021), finally have their global release dates set in stone as announced on the fourth day of Netflix Geeked Week. Both of these anime shows were previously only available in Japan and their global release has been a much-anticipated announcement especially to their fans.
Day four of Netflix Geeked Week is surely packed with big announcements and today much has been focused on the anime shows that will be upon their streaming platform. Edens Zero has just been given its release date as announced on the official Twitter page of Netflix Geeked, "The adventure's beginning. Peep the trailer for the legendary space fantasy adaptation, Edens Zero, now. Available Globally August 26th #GeekedWeek"
Edens Zero follows the story of Shiki Granbell in his voyage through the stars in his very own starship in search of the cosmic goddess, Mother. The anime series is based on the Japanese shōnen manga series of the same name by Hiro Mashima, and it is animated by J.C. Staff.
As for Shaman King, it is already a familiar title and what's coming into Netflix would be the reboot of the anime series. It is one of the most popular anime titles of the early 2000s and it will be back on the screen, this time, through Netflix. As posted on the official Twitter page of Netflix Geeked, "Who will succeed and gain the power to alter the world? Shaman King debuts on Netflix, August 9th. #GeekedWeek"
Shaman King (2021) is a highly-anticipated reboot and it will be following the adventures of Yoh Asakura and his attempts to become the Shaman King through winning the Shaman Fight which motivates him to hone his shaman skills. It is from the pages of Japanese shōnenmanga series of the same name which is both written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei.
Excited about these two? Shaman King (2021) will be globally released on August 9, 2021 while Edens Zero will be on August 26, 2021, both on Netflix.
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