Netflix Boss Confident About Winning Streaming Wars, Admits He Will Subscribe To Disney+

There is little doubt that Netflix has changed the way that people watch movies and TV shows, but will it emerge as the big winner in the so-called Streaming Wars? Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has revealed why his company will emerge victorious in the long run. Interestingly, Hastings is so confident about the victory that he's even admitted that he will subscribe to Disney+.

Hastings was recently in attendance at the New York Times DealBook Conference (via CNBC) where he pointed out that subscribers are not the true measure of a streaming service's success. Rather, it has more to do with how much time they spend using the service.

"Time will be the real competition," Hastings said. "You'll hear some subscriber numbers but you can just bundle things so that's not going to be that relevant. So the real measurement will be time -- how do consumers vote with their evenings? What mix of all the services do they end up watching?"

Sure, Netflix has variety which gives it an edge over other streaming services. However, its biggest competition is undoubtedly Disney+, which will finally launch this week. Nevertheless, Hastings isn't particularly concerned about the whole thing. In fact, he told the audience that he intends to subscribe to Disney+ as soon as it goes live and even praised the studio.

"Disney's the one we have the most to learn from in terms of entertainment. They have great shows!" Hastings said.

It's great to know that Hastings is confident about his own company and is also looking to support Disney+. It will be interesting to see how the Streaming Wars will turn out in the future.

Disney+ launches on November 12.

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