Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most highly-anticipated live-action adaptations coming to the streaming platform. The show, which is based on the American animated series that premiered on Nickelodeon on February 21, 2005, is currently filming in Canada, and now, a new behind-the-scenes photo is pitting the protagonist Aang with Fire Lord Ozai.
The BTS photo was originally posted on star Gordon Cormier's Instagram account, and it features him (Aang) and Daniel Dae Kim (Firelord Ozai) sparring. The 12-year-old actor looks ready to play the role of the show's hero, and Kim surely looks fierce with Ozai's fire-bending pose.
"Momo, time for you to go," Cormier caption the epic photo. The actor already shaved his head to match Aang's iconic bald look, and fans are excited to see his character unleash airbending skills in the Netflix series.
Netflix's live-action series also stars Ian Ousley (13 Reasons Why) as Sokka; Kiawentiio Tarbell (Beans) as Katara; Dallas Liu (PEN15) as Zuko; Paul Sun-Yung Lee (Kim's Convenience) as Uncle Iroh; Lim Kay Siu (Anna and The King)as Gyatso; and Ken Leung (Industry) as Commander Zhao.The show also added Elizabeth Yu (All My Love), Yvonne Chapman (Kung Fu),Tamlyn Tomita (Cobra Kai), Casey Camp-Horinek (Reservation Dogs), and Maria Zhang (All I Ever Wanted) to its cast.
For those unfamiliar with Avatar: The Last Airbender, the story follows the story of Aang and his friends, who must save the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai and ending the dangerous war with the Fire Nation. The series was followed by a popular spin-off series in 2020 called The Legend of Korra.
Related: Avatar: The Last Airbender Star Paul Sun-Hyung Lee Gets Emotional Over Netflix's Casting
Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender series currently doesn't have a release date. For more details about the upcoming show, check out everything we know about the live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series here.