Netflix has various live-action adaptations of the most popular animated series that are currently in the works, and some of the most highly anticipated ones are inspired by Japanese anime: One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Alice in Borderland (Season 2 is coming later this year).
One of the biggest adaptations is based on the American Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is currently in production in Vancouver. Now, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, the actor playing Uncle Iroh in the show, has shared some new details about the first season of the upcoming series.
Speaking to the Handsome Genius Club podcast, Lee shared some details for Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender, revealing that it's set to cost over one-hundred million dollars while also stating that the show will have eight episodes, with each having a sixty-minute runtime.
Lee will be playing Prince Zuko's Uncle in Netflix's Avatar series. Uncle Iroh was famously voiced by the late Makoto Iwamatsu in the first two seasons (Book One: Water and Book Two: Earth of the Nickelodeon animated series. Greg Baldwin later took over the role for Avatar's third and final season (Book Three: Fire).
The original Avatar: The Last Airbender animated TV show aired on Nickelodeon for a total of 61 episodes from 2005 to 2008. The series received critical acclaim, but the 2010 film adaptation, titled The Last Airbender, directed by M. Night Shyamalan, received mostly negative reviews.
Nickelodeon's Avatar was later followed by a sequel series titled The Legend of Korra, which aired for 52 episodes that ran across four seasons from 2012 to 2014.
Netflix hasn't confirmed an official release date for Avatar: The Last Airbender yet, but you can check out additional details for the upcoming series in our dedicated article here.