Neon Genesis Evangelion is a groundbreaking mecha anime that redefined the genre’s cliches in the 90s. Given its significance in the industry, it's no surprise that the series often appears in various product collaborations. But until this year, it hadn't partnered with one of the largest fast-food chains in the world.
Recently, McDonald's Japan launched advertisements featuring Neon Genesis Evangelion-themed products. So, what are these products, and what could this unexpected collaboration mean? Read on to learn more!
What We Know About Neon Genesis Evangelion x Mcdonald’s Collaboration
The biggest news for McDonald’s and Evangelion fans at the end of 2024 was first confirmed on McDonald’s Japan’s X account on December 17, 2024. It was a simple post with the word “preview,” but the iconic Neon Genesis Eva font and the small text underneath that read "Project Eva" and "Khara" caught the attention of many anime fans.
For those unfamiliar, Khara is the studio behind the Rebuild of Evangelion series, which concluded with its fourth and final installment in 2021.
Further attention surrounded the McEvangelion crossover online when a poster leaked, revealing what fans can expect from this special event. The image shows three figures based on the series’ mecha units, which transform from McDonald’s menu items — a burger, fries, and a drink.
These figures, priced at $25, can be won through the promo’s lottery if you’re in Japan. To enter, scan the QR code on their page and register via the McDonald’s app. The promo began on December 19 and will end on January 20, 2025.
On December 26, the same figures appeared in a promotional video released on their X account. This 30-second clip, which is hard to believe at first, features real footage from the Rebuild of Evangelion movies — with McDonald’s burgers and three angels edited in.
The video not only highlights the figures but also introduces three limited edition “Evangelion burgers.” These include the Mexican Cheese Chicken, Cheese Double Teriyaki, and Thick-Cut Potato & Juicy Beef with Rich Garlic Mayo.
While this crossover may seem unexpected for a mecha anime known for its philosophical themes and biblical references, it isn’t entirely surprising. In the manga, a McDonald’s paper bag with the signature "M" appears in one panel, suggesting that McDonald’s is one of the franchises that survived the series’ cataclysmic event known as the Second Impact.
What This Collab Could Mean
Although it’s only happening in Japan, the collaboration has triggered an Angel-level stir in the anime world, reaffirming that Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a lasting and influential franchise.
There hasn’t been any news of a new installment for the Rebuild of Evangelion series, but mecha fans will be pleased to hear that Evangelion director Hideaki Anno is reportedly working on a new mech series — this time within the Gundam franchise.
The series, titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Much GQuuuuuux, features a teenage protagonist piloting a robot in a space colony. Fans of the genre can look forward to its release in January next year!
Meanwhile, McDonald's has collaborated with many anime series, including Pokémon, Dragon Ball, and Jujutsu Kaisen. However, this crossover with one of the most important anime from the 90s might suggest even more anime collaborations with the fast-food giant in the future.
What do you think of this collaboration between McDonald’s and Neon Genesis Evangelion? Let us know in the comments!
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