The My Hero Academia stage play is taking a break after one of its actors got injured during a performance. It has been confirmed that three shows of My Hero Academia: The Ultra Stage Symbol of Peace will be canceled to give the actor time to recuperate.
The announcement was made by the official My Hero Academia: The Ultra Stage Twitter account. The tweet confirms that three performances in Osaka will be canceled after actor Akiyoshi Tsujimura was injured during the afternoon performance of the play on Saturday, April 23, 2022. The production offered their apologies to fans who had already purchased tickets for the canceled shows.
There were five performances scheduled in Osaka from April 22 to 24. However, the production committee decided to cancel the evening performance on Saturday after Tsujimura's injury. The two performances on Sunday were canceled as well. Refund procedures for ticket holders of the canceled performances will be announced at a later date.
Although Akiyoshi Tsujimura is not one of the main actors in the stage play, he still plays a significant role in the performances. Hopefully, Tsujimura's injury is not serious and he will be able to recover soon.
This isn't the first time that a My Hero Academia stage play faced some trouble. The franchise's previous stage play My Hero Academia: The Ultra Stage: Honmono no Hero PLUS ULTRA ver., was pushed back in December after multiple people involved in the play testing positive for COVID-19.
My Hero Academia: The Ultra Stage Symbol of Peace is based on Kohei Horikoshi's successful manga and is the franchise's third stage play to date. The new schedules in Osaka have not yet been announced. The stage play is also scheduled to have several performances in Tokyo from April 29 to May 8, 2022.
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