Earlier this year, Robert Pattinson made his debut as Batman in Matt Reeves' The Batman marking him the newest actor who has portrayed the Caped Crusader on the big screen. The character will make his return next year in The Flash although we will be seeing the Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton versions, both coming back after years of absence.
However, it looks like the future of the newly-minted DCU under the leadership of James Gunn and Peter Safran will not feature multiple versions of the Caped Crusader according to Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav during a recent conversation with RBC's Kutgun Maral (via The Hollywood Reporter).
Zaslav shared some updates on the status of Gunn and Safran's plan for the DCU where he revealed that the pair is "coming close to the end" on finishing the bible for DC and it won't have "four Batmans" unlike the current situation in the franchise where it has multiple versions at the moment.
"I think over the next few years, you’re going to see a lot of growth and opportunity around DC, there’s not going to be four Batmans," he said. "And so part of our strategy is drive the hell out of DC, which James and Peter are going to do. I think they’ve thrilled the fans. I think they’re going to thrill you over a period of time."
It is interesting to hear that the future of the DCU will not have multiple versions of Batman which does pose a question of which iteration of the Caped Crusader will they retain whether it is Pattinson, Affleck, or Keaton. It is also a sign that they are going to unify the DC universe instead of doing multiverses.
Considering the success of the first film and the plans that are in motion for the sequel and spinoffs, Pattinson's iteration seems to be the safe bet on the version that they're going to keep. For now, let's just wait and see for more news and updates on the specifics of their new DCU plan.
Also Read: DC Fans Mourn Shocking Passing of Batman Voice Actor Kevin Conroy
All Batman films are available to stream on HBO Max.