Ms. Marvel Co-Creator Worried Kamala Khan’s Powers Could End Up Creepy On Disney+

Kamala Khan might be a delight to read about in Marvel Comics, but it looks like Marvel might have a bit of trouble adapting the superhero's powers to the small screen in the upcoming Disney+ series, Ms. Marvel.

According to Kamala Khan's co-creator, G. Willow Wilson, Marvel may face quite the challenge bringing Ms. Marvel to Disney+. Speaking in an interview with Polygon, Wilson admits that it might be difficult to translate Ms. Marvel's comic-booky powers in a live-action series.

"She's got very comic booky powers. God bless them trying to bring that to live-action, I don't know how that's going to work out, in a way that doesn't look really creepy," Wilson told the entertainment news site.

For those who aren't familiar with the heroine, Kamala Khan is Marvel's first Muslim character to lead her own comic book series and begins her story unaware that she actually has Inhuman genes. When Kamala comes into contact with some Terrigen Mists, her powers are triggered, and she ends up getting a whole host of powers which include her ability to stretch and shrink her body at will.

During the interview, Wilson admitted that she didn't really consider a potential adaptation when working on the comic, explaining why Kamala Khan ended up being very comic-booky.

"I think there're some characters who are very much set up for the big screen, they're very naturally sort of cinematic," the comic book creator said, "But with Ms. Marvel, we really weren't interested in creating something that had very obvious film potential. I was really leaning - and I know Adrian [Alphona] and Takeshi [Miyazawa] and all of the artists as well - were really leaning into the comic book-ness of this character."

While Wilson's concerns are pretty reasonable, we're pretty sure that Marvel has the technology to bring Ms. Marvel's powers across. We hope that they will.

Disney+ launches on November 12, 2019.

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