Robert Downey Jr. Says It Was Time He And Chris Evans Retired From Marvel

Marvel fans might want to continue seeing Captain America and Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe even after the sacrifices they made in Avengers: Endgame, but Tony Stark star Robert Downey Jr. firmly believes that it's high time for him and for Chris Evans to retire from the franchise.

Speaking in an interview with Disney Twenty-Three magazine (via Digital Spy), RDJ opened up about Endgame, admitting that it was high time for him and for Evans to "get off the bus" and to allow the franchise to continue without Captain America and Iron Man.

"We had to get off. We opted to, and knew it was part of the job to get off the bus while it rolled on to other destinations. There's something very sobering about it. I'm glad he and I will be there to welcome others as they retire their jerseys," the actor told the publication.

During the interview, RDJ also admitted that he felt like he didn't really believe that he left behind as much of a legacy as his other co-stars – which is a surprise considering the role that the actor's played in the MCU. Iron Man has always played such a huge part in the franchise. In fact, Tony Stark was the one who built the franchise. The MCU took flight after the success of Jon Favreau's first Iron Man back in 2008.

Of course, after ten years of endless work, we understand that RDJ would want to take a break. Iron Man's already done so much for the MCU. Now, it's time to pass the work on to the others.

Avengers: Endgame is available on Digital HD, Blu-Ray, and DVD.

Read: Captain America Hesitates to Lift Mjolnir in Epic Avengers: Endgame Concept Art