Mortal Kombat Writer Teases Sequel Details, Possible Edenia Focus

Mortal Kombat is currently the biggest movie in the US right now. This is great news for fans considering that it could lead to a possible sequel being greenlighted. But what can we expect in Mortal Kombat 2? Writer Greg Russo shared some details about what could happen in the next movie and it could put the focus on Edenia.

There is little doubt that Mortal Kombat only featured a handful of characters from the video game series and some fan favorites were sorely missing. However, Russo told Syfy Wire that he had to leave out certain realms in the first movie.

"In the back of my head, I was always thinking like, ‘Where can I go? Where can the world go so that it's not painted into a corner?' And so one of the realms that I felt like it didn't make sense to introduce in this story because we were so focused on Earthrealm and Outworld, was Edenia, which is another big realm in the Mortal Kombat universe. And that has a ton of great characters that reside there, their storylines intersect there," Russo said.

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Interestingly, he pointed out that he wanted to introduce some of the beloved characters in the movie like Kitana, Sindel, and Jade. Unfortunately, it simply didn't fit well with the main storyline. Nevertheless, Russo is hoping that Edenia could be featured more broadly in Mortal Kombat 2.

"To that's a whole realm that I think is worth exploring, and I have some really cool ideas of what I would do with storylines there," he said.

Mortal Kombat 2021 only featured one Edenian (sort of) when the film brought in Mileena. After all, Mileena is Kitana's twin (or clone) but was raised by Shang Tsung in Outworld. Nevertheless, we're certainly hoping to see more characters from Edenia like Kitana, Sindel and Jade in the sequel.

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The characters from Edenia are not the only ones to look forward to in Mortal Kombat 2. The film actually concluded with a tease on the arrival of one of the most popular video game characters. At the end of the film, Cole Young announces that he is heading to Hollywood to recruit a new warrior for Earthrealm and we see a poster of Johnny Cage.

Mortal Kombat is now screening in theaters and on HBO Max.

Related: Mortal Kombat: Johnny Cage was Left Out of Reboot Because of Kano