Mortal Kombat Movie: Hiroyuki Sanada Teases Scorpion's Transformation

The Mortal Kombat movie might be about Lewis Tan's Cole Young but we all know who the real center of the reboot is going to be. The red-band trailer has revealed how Hanzo Hasashi started using his trademark weapon and Hiroyuki Sanada shared how he prepared for the character's transformation into Scorpion.

The Mortal Kombat movie trailer featured a flashback scene showing Hanzo picking up a kunai from his garden and tying it to some rope. He then turns it into a deadly whip against several ninjas who are trying to invade his home.

Fans already know Scorpion's signature moves but Sanada, who admits he has never played any of the games before, had to research on the character. The Avengers: Endgame star also shared with Entertainment Weekly that he worked hard in making sure the fight scenes all looked authentic.

"I discussed the fighting style with the choreographer and the stunt team and just jumped into rehearsal," Sanada said. "I tried to create an original style. Since Hanzo Hasashi is a character of Japanese descent, I tried to make authentic movements."

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Sanada went on to say that Hanzo's transformation into Scorpion was "a very tasty role for an actor: family man changed to fighting machine." He then teased that viewers will feel a connection to the character.

"Each fight has a reason with the emotion," Sanada stated. "The audience can understand why he's fighting, what he's thinking during the fight."

Scorpion's origin story is not complete with Sub-Zero, who is confirmed to be his greatest nemesis in the Mortal Kombat movie. It is Bi-Han's clan that attacks Hanzo in the flashback scene and they face off again in the future, this time with their supernatural powers. Needless to say, we can't wait to see this fight.

The Mortal Kombat movie will be released in limited theaters and on HBO Max on April 16.

Related: Mortal Kombat Movie Trailer Reveals Epic Sub-Zero vs Scorpion Showdown