Moon Knight's Disney+ premiere was instantly met with immense positive reviews by Marvel fans and critics. Moon Knight's first episode features Steven Grant, a gift shop employee suffering from his dissociative disorder while also trying to outrun Egyptian God Khonshu's control. Alongside Grant, viewers also met Ethan Hawke's Arthur Harrow, the primary villain of the show.
Hawke first appeared in the very first sequence of the first episode in a very unsettling scene where he was putting shards of glass in his shoes. As the episode progresses, Harrow was revealed as a follower of Ammit, an Egyptian god known as the "Devourer of the Dead" in Marvel comics. Harrow has a tattoo on his wrist, that helps him judge a person whether they are good or bad. Later on, Hawke's motivation was revealed when he told Steven Grant that he wants to resurrect Ammit to prevent chaos in the world.
Though Ethan Hawke established a renowned career outside the MCU, being a newcomer to a superhero franchise with a massive growing fanbase certainly comes with a lot of pressure. Joining the MCU requires the actors to interact with Marvel fans.
During an interview with E! Hawke revealed that he asked his daughter, Maya Hawke, for some valuable advice before joining the MCU. Maya is currently one of the stars of Netflix's Stranger Things, which makes the actress well-versed in passionate fanbases.
Ethan Hawke explained, "[Maya] said something really beautiful to me. As a performer, your job is to participate with the audience. Yes, you want to lead and do work that you believe in, but we want people to care about art. This is what people care about. They really have a passion for the material. You have to respect them and respect their fandom and try to give them something that's worth it."
While Ethan Hawke has been getting praises for his portrayal of Arthur Harrow, Maya's advice for his dad certainly helped the actor. These fandoms are what usually keep the franchise going and the fans' admiration for the films must be acknowledged by the MCU stars.
Moon Knight's first episode teases a more exciting few weeks as the show progresses. While it isn't clear yet if Hawke will have more appearances in the MCU after Moon Knight, fans would really love to see Arthur Harrow in different MCU projects. Given Hawke's outstanding acting career achievements, Marvel might develop his character for a more prominent role in the future.
For now, we still have five episodes left for Moon Knight, therefore we can first explore Arthur Harrow's villainous character in the upcoming new episodes of the show.
Moon Knight episode 1 is now streaming on Disney+.