Moon Knight premiered on Disney+ in early 2022, garnering positive reviews and reactions from fans and critics, many of whom would love to see Moon Knight actor Oscar Isaac back to play the role again. Fans are hoping to see him reprise his role in the MCU soon. Isaac recently spoke with CBR about his upcoming graphic novel, Head Wounds: Sparrow, where he also jokingly said that he would want to see Moon Knight fight the animated sailor Popeye. Only to later reveal who he truly would want his character to fight in a potential MCU scene:
“I don’t know, man… Ghost Rider?”
It’s worth mentioning that the actor didn’t state which version of the Spirit of Vengeance he is looking forward to fighting on screen: Johnny Blaze or Robbie Eyes. Nevertheless, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is always interested in constantly expanding whether by bringing in new characters to the franchise or bringing back old fan-favorite characters. Nicholas Cage was reported to be interested in returning for his role as Johnny Blaze, though.
Joking or not, the most important answer has yet to be confirmed: Will Oscar Isaac’s Moon Knight be reprising his role in the MCU? While Isaac said that he is unsure of Marvel Studios’ plans for another Moon Knight series, he’s confident that his superhero is bound to return. Read his statement below:
“All I can say is that it’s not the last we’ve heard of the system that is Moon Knight. There have been some specific conversations [about Moon Knight season 2]. They were pleasant. The spilling of details is that there’s no details. We don’t know [if there will be a second season], but we’re talking about it.”
There are currently no official announcements made for Moon Knight Season 2 plans, but Moon Knight is now streaming on Disney+.