Moon Knight Episode 2: What is the Scarab and Why is Harrow Interested in it?

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Moon Knight! Read at your own risk!

With the first two runs of Moon Knight being a set up for the stage of the big things coming into the series, one important artifact has made the world go round for the characters: the scarab. It has been a coveted piece since Episode 1 and in Episode 2, more information comes in as to how pivotal it is, especially to Arthur Harrow who has been interested in it from the start.

Moon Knight Episode 2: What is the Scarab and Why is Harrow Interested in it?

Moon Knight Episode 2: What is the Scarab and Why is Harrow Interested in it?
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Moon Knight Episode 2: What is the Scarab and Why is Harrow Interested in it?

If you’re Steven and you see an ancient artifact in your possession without having knowledge as to how it is with you, you’d also be as spooked as he was when he first saw it. The first time he sees Arthur Harrow in Episode 1, The Goldfish Problem, it is the first thing he asked of him and Marc is doing everything in his power for it not to land in the wrong hands.

In Episode 2, Summon the Suit, light has been shed as to why the scarab is so important. See, the scarab is some sort of an Egyptian amulet that looks like a beetle. For the ancient Egyptians, it is a sacred artifact as in their religion, it symbolizes rebirth or regeneration. Fitting enough, it is the same reason why Arthur Harrow has been after it since the start: he wants to use it to resurrect Ammit.

With Layla in the fiasco, she knows well why they took the scarab and its importance not to get into the hands of the wrong people. Layla exclaimed when she saw it and she calls it as “the scarab pointing to Ammit’s ushabti.” An ushabti is an ancient relic found in an Egyptian tomb that has inscriptions from the book of the dead. Layla fought with Marc to get the scarab and she was disappointed to see it with him, without her.

Related: Moon Knight Episode 1: What is Ennead?

For Arthur Harrow, it’s a compass that will lead them to the ushabti of Ammit so they could resurrect her in hopes of eradicating evil with her judgment. His plans would be nothing without the scarab. In the end of the episode, Harrow finally has the scarab and Khonshu is well aware of it, bringing Marc to Egypt.

Moon Knight Episode 2 is now streaming on Disney Plus.