Michael Keaton broke an impressive blockbuster record as DC's bat vigilante in 1989's Batman. Helmed by critically-acclaimed director Tim Burton, a sequel instantly followed in 1992 titled Batman Returns, featuring Danny DeVito as the film's main villain The Penguin, alongside Michelle Pfeiffer's Selina Kyle aka the infamous Catwoman.
While "who's the better Batman?" continues to be a constant debate among DC fans, Michelle Pfeiffer's portrayal of the iconic Catwoman still remains at the top even after several A-list actresses stepped on the role following her.
Now that Michael Keaton is set to return to the DCEU after a three-decade hiatus from the Batman franchise, returning as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming Batgirl and Ezra Miller's The Flash, it's hard not to wonder whether Michelle Pfeiffer is also interested in reprising her role as the notorious Catwoman.
In a recent profile with The Hollywood Reporter, Michelle Pfeiffer expresses interest in picking up Catwoman's whip again. Pfeiffer said, “It would depend on the context but, yeah, I’d consider it.”
The Catwoman character is one of the classic heroines that the fans loved throughout the years after Pfeiffer's portrayal set a gold standard for the character. Following Batman Returns, several reboots attempted to match Pfeiffer's iconic Catwoman interpretation, with 2004's Halle Berry standalone movie Catwoman, which referenced Patience Phillips, a character originally based on the comic books. In 2012, Anne Hathaway surprisingly took the role of Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises alongside Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne. Now, Catwoman returns again starring Zoë Kravitz in Matt Reeves' reboot of the caped crusader, The Batman, playing a more grounded version of the character.
It seems to be very unlikely that Pfeifer would appear in Matt Reeves' future Batman sequel or spinoffs, but would definitely fit in The Flash, as the film is rumored to feature several incarnations of Batman. Given the strong chemistry between Keaton and Pfeiffer in Batman Returns, it would definitely be nostalgic to see the iconic duo on the big screens again.
We can catch Michael Keaton's return first in The Flash, hitting theaters on June 23, 2023.
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