Marvel's Avengers enrages their players after reports that their IP Addresses were publicly revealed and displayed onscreen available for all to see, without their consent, putting their personal information easily accessible and vulnerable to anyone especially from hackers who can launch a Denial of Service attack, locate the exact place where the player is, or even have their identities impersonated.
Reports of this bug started early this morning and players are showing online how their IP addresses are displayed for all to see on screen on PlayStation 5. It has been suspected that this happened after the new Cosmic Cube update which was released earlier today. As posted on the official Twitter page of the game, the patch notes would include the event among other improvements.
Being a major update, players were attracted to stream their games as there is an upcoming limited-time Cosmic Thread event scheduled from June 24 to July 8.
The bug resulted to the disappointment of the players of the game as the privacy of their IP Addresses have been compromised and made vulnerable to various threats such as hackers or anyone without any good intention at all who may be able to see their location and personal information.
Crystal Dynamics already acknowledged the existence of the problem and released a statement on the official Twitter account of the game saying, "PlayStation 5 players should refrain from streaming or posting screenshots online until then as sensitive information may be displayed." They also thank the players who reported the bug to them and made them aware of the situation.
The developers of the game are currently looking for a solution on the issue of leaked personal information by testing a hotfix which they plan to release at around 8 AM PT/ 11 AM EST this coming Wednesday, June 23. As for Square Enix, they have yet to release a statement.
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