Marvel Studios Kevin Feige On The Skrulls In The MCU

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Spider-Man: Far From Home

There have been a lot of questions about the future of the Skrulls ever since the alien race's introduction in Captain Marvel.

Sure, the Skrulls might be popularly viewed as villains in the Marvel Comic Universe, however, Marvel Studios somehow managed to dash fans hopes of having a Secret Invasion arc in the MCU after Captain Marvel turned the aliens into good guys.

The Skrulls also managed to make an appearance in Spider-Man: Far From Home, teasing what's to come in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the end credits scene of the film, fans soon learn that the Nick Fury in the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel isn't the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director after all – he's actually played by Ben Mendelsohn's Talos. As it turns out, the real Nick Fury is on vacation somewhere in space.

Speaking in an interview with Fandango, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has decided to open up about the Skrull's place in the future of the MCU.

"Well, that Kree-Skrull war was a big part of the comics and a big part of the Captain Marvel mythology that we wanted to build into," explained Feige. "And there'll be lots of questions like, what was Captain Marvel up to in the 20-plus years between when she flew away at the end of Captain Marvel to when she appears in Endgame? That particular line, though, is one of the handful of Easter eggs sprinkled throughout the film that Maria or Fury say that give an indication that something's different about them."

Now, we can only wonder whether we'll get to see more of the Skrulls along with Captain Marvel (Brie Larson).

Spider-Man: Far From Home is currently playing in cinemas.

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