Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige Differentiates 'The Blip' from 'The Snap'

Now that Spider-Man: Far From Home is out, fans are having a hard time differentiating "The Snap" from "The Blip." For the longest time - well, for a year - fans have been calling the huge events from Avengers: Infinity War either "The Snap" or "The Decimation," the latter of which came from MCU tie-in books that may or may not be canon and Far From Home introduced "The Blip," confusing matters even more.

Thankfully, everyone's favorite daddy Kevin Feige is here to tell us how "The Snap" and "The Blip" are different from each other.

Speaking with Fandango, Feige had a pretty simple explanation for us: "The Snap" is when half the universe's population disappeared and "The Blip" is when they come back. Apparently, there were plans to always call it "The Blip" but that obviously didn't happen.

"It came pretty fast. We always referred to it as the Blip, and then the public started referring to it as the Snap. We think it's funny when high school kids just call this horrific, universe-changing event the Blip. We've narrowed it down to, the Snap is when everybody disappeared at the end of Infinity War. The Blip is when everybody returned at the end of Endgame… and that is how we have narrowed in on the definitions."

Fans can check out Spider-Man: Far From Home right now in cinemas.

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