The Marvel Cinematic Universe boasts an incredible roster of heroes but with the exception of female characters like Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch, the billion-dollar franchise has yet to feature a superpowered hero that could match one of DC's flagship characters. One could argue that Eternals' Ikaris is THAT hero but we all know the fate he suffered in the 2021 film.
Well, it turns out that Marvel Studios has actual plans of bringing someone from the cosmic side who could potentially give the Man of Steel a run for his money. Speaking on Deadline's Crew Call podcast, Marvel Studios VP of Production & Development Nate Moore confirmed plans to bring Blue Marvel to the live-action universe, a character that shares similar attributes to DC's Superman.
Moore reveals: "And then there’s a fantastic character who’s relatively recent in Marvel, named the Blue Marvel, who is fascinating. So, he’s a character who is almost Superman in strength and powers, who in the ’60s, operated as a Blue Marvel masked character."
He added: "But, in a fight, his mask is ripped off and people realize he’s Black. And [John F.] Kennedy actually asks him to go back undercover because he’s scaring people, ’cause he’s gonna upset the powder keg of the Civil Rights era. And he’s since been reintroduced into… Marvel publishing as a really smart, almost Captain Nemo character. Like he takes great space voyages and he goes on these grand adventures. But he’s a great character. But there’s so many. I mean, there really are a lot. There’s a lot of exciting stuff that’s gonna come."
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It's worth mentioning that Blue Marvel is rumored to be making his MCU debut in The Marvels so more than anything, Moore's latest remark seems to be a teaser for what's to come later this year.
The Marvels is slated for theatrical release on July 28, 2023.