Marvel President Kevin Feige Promises to Make MCU More Diverse

If it wasn't already obvious with the new slate of films announced for the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel president Kevin Feige is keen on making the MCU more diverse than ever.

He believes this is not only a way to improve representation in one of the biggest film franchise in the world, but it will also stay true to the creations of the real hero, the late Stan Lee.

"We're just the stewards, the current stewards, of these characters, that [Lee] and his co-creators brought together, and all of them were created in that spirit of those soapboxes. That was very much what Stan's worldview was, and that's what those movies represent," Feige told LA Times.

"Because that is, how do I put this, it's the right way to be. It is the way the world should be. And one the great things about the movies is you get to showcase the world that you want to reflect and the way you want the world to be. And that's what he did with these characters," he went on to say.

Indeed, MCU has made great strides in this aspect with Black Panther and Captain Marvel, both of which enjoyed the astonishing blockbuster success that easily propelled them as two of the biggest films in the franchise.

Marvel is about to double down with a Black Panther sequel plus another female-led film in Black Widow. In fact, Feige has said that the majority of the new characters that will join the MCU will be female. The studio is also preparing to introduce its first gay lead superhero in The Eternals while Shang-Chi will feature the franchise's first Asian lead.

For now, however, the excitement surrounds Avengers: Endgame, which will mark the end of an era. The journey of some superheroes will end in the upcoming film, which comes out April 26, and it looks like Feige already has a lot of ideas as to who will take up the mantle.

Also Read: Kevin Feige Confirms Captain Marvel Is MCU's Next Lead And Most Powerful Character