Civil War is seen by many as the quintessential Marvel event, for better or worse. While the comic was praised for having great art and being friendly towards anyone picking up a comic book for the very first time, many diehard fans have a problem with the way it depicted some characters, with heroes like Iron Man and Captain America turning into cold-hearted brutes.
Still, the comic definitely opened the way to depict class struggle in a superhero setting, which is why Marvel will try their hand at it again with a new comic book called Outlawed, coming out in March.
According to Newsarama, Marvel's Outlawed will feature a universe-wide status quo that will ban anyone from being a superhero if they are below the age of 21. This is obviously troubling for the group known as The Champions, consisting of Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Nova (Sam Alexander), and Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), along with any other young superhero out there.
Outlawed editor Alanna Smith had this to say about the new comic:
"Outlawedis tapping into different social anxieties. There's been a lot of debate lately about the role of the youth in our society—whether they should partake in activism, how much their voices should be valued, whether they're old and learned enough to have a say in their future, and what responsibility the older generations have to keep them safe."
It will be interesting to see what kind of event causes a status quo like this to take place and why the other heroes would be willing to go with this, given the effects of stories like Civil War and Dark Reign. Hopefully, this adds some depth into these characters and doesn't treat heroes like villains, which tends to be the case with these events.
Marvel's Outlawed will be released this March, written by Eve L. Ewing and drawn by Kim Jacinto.
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