Today marks the debut of a new addition to Sony's expanding universe, Jared Leto's Morbius. Unfortunately, even before the anticipated theatrical release, the film has been receiving discouraging reviews from critics.
Morbius stars Jared Leto as Michael Morbius, a gifted scientist with a rare blood disease, who accidentally infected himself with a form of vampirism while experimenting with a cure. This vampirism gave Morbius superhuman abilities but also a curse for human blood. Alongside Leto, he is joined by Matt Smith as Loxias Crown, known as Hunger in Marvel comics.
Now that Morbius is finally screening in theaters, the disheartening reviews continue to hit the film. However, Marvel fans seem to be impressed with Matt Smith's portrayal of Loxias Crown, and some fans even thanked the actor for single-handedly carrying the Morbius film.
Prior to Morbius' release, Smith expressed his hopes for future sequels regardless of the negativity that the film has been receiving, Speaking to Digital Spy, Smith says, "It's a new Marvel character for them to sink their teeth into, as it were. I'm sure Michael Morbius will be one that will keep returning, so hopefully it opens up a new world which will continue in multiple films beyond this."
"We made it yonks (ages) ago, I can't actually believe it's coming out to be honest with you. I am excited for people to see it. I hope people enjoy it and I hope people go to the cinema to see it as well, because it's, you know, a movie." Smith added.
While it looks like Marvel fans found Smith's performance deserving to watch the film, it's too early to judge if Morbius will have more appearances in Sony's Spider-Verse. Box-office receipts serve as the judge of whether a film will develop a sequel, and if Morbius flopped on the big screens, this might interrupt Sony's plans for the character.
For Matt Smith, Sony hasn’t yet announced anything concerning Loxias Crowne’s involvement in the franchise's future. Given the tremendous fan reactions to Smith’s character, it looks like they want to see more of Loxias Crown rather than Morbius.
Morbius is now showing in theaters worldwide.
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