Marvel's new limited series premiered last Wednesday on the streaming service Disney+ and marked the debut of Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight. The series' first episode might be confusing for a lot of viewers primarily because it revolves around Steven Grant's dissociative identity disorder, which the show successfully pulled off on how it really feels to have the mental disorder.
The first episode follows Steven Grant, a gift shop employee living with a dissociative identity disorder while trying to outrun a mysterious Egyptian god known as Khonshu. Steven has no idea what's happening to him, especially with the time hop that is constantly happening throughout the episode and the viewers are also compelled to connect the dots on Steven's situation.
In one particularly disheartening scene, Moon Knight thoroughly nailed portraying what it's like to live with a dissociative identity disorder. Steven got himself a date with a fellow employee and arrived at a steakhouse on the scheduled day. However, he realized that he somehow lost two days of his life and completely missed the date. That's because his other persona, Marc Spector took over his body for two days.
In an interview with THR after Moon Knight's first episode premiere, director Mohamed Diab expanded on the heart-wrenching scene and how he had to fight just for the scene to be included.
The director explained, “I remember fighting for that scene. That scene was written by me and Sarah [Goher], and I knew that I was never going to know Steven unless we had that steak scene. That is the moment when the audience is going to say, “It’s the first episode, but I’m in love with this character. It’s done.” To me, it was very important to find something to express that DID is not just blackouts and then his life is fine and normal. No, no, no. DID is destroying his life, even his romantic life. He can’t have a lover or a normal relationship with anyone because of what he’s been going through. It’s such a black comedy kind of moment, but it’s the moment that the audience can connect to Steven."
Moon Knight's portrayal of someone living with such a complex mental disorder is undoubtedly on point. Together with Steven, we were also confused about what's happening throughout the first episode which makes the episode a shared experience, as we get to partake in what it's like to live with the disorder.
While there are 5 episodes left for Moon Knight, we'll certainly understand how this identity disorder will unravel and how Grant will get through with it. Certainly with the help of Grant's other persona, Marc Spector, and the Egyptian god, Khonshu.
Moon Knight episode 1 is now streaming on Disney+.
Also Read: Oscar Isaac Has Not Yet Signed Up for More MCU Projects After Moon Knight