Marvel Fans are Just Now Realizing This Neat Easter Egg About Tony Stark

In this world of the internet and meticulous fans, it feels like every movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been cut apart and analyzed in search of Easter Eggs and clues. What's interesting is, there's a neat character trait of Tony Stark that's been in the MCU this whole time and fans are just now realizing its underlooked origin.

As posted by u/Mimedx on Reddit, Tony's use of the peace sign can be traced to this one scene dealing with his origin:

In Iron Man (2008), Tony sarcastically comments on the soldier's peace sign in this scene. After the soldier dies to save him, the peace sign becomes a regular move for Tony

Here's the scene from the film which is actually the first time we ever see Tony Stark in the MCU:

It's admittedly very subtle, but it's kind of a nice idea that Tony would remember the people who were trying to save him, even if they were only in his life for a few minutes. While it's likely that the writers weren't thinking about that when Stark would do the peace sign, it' can be a nice piece of head-canon for the fans.

Personally, I like the theory. I mean, Tony gets to hang out with all these amazing people from gods to sorcerers, and it's cool that a grunt like "Forrest" would have some kind of effect on him, even if it's just something as subtle as holding up the peace sign.

For now, Tony Stark is gone from the MCU, but everyone is waiting on what's next for the Iron Man franchise. While I would love a follow-up featuring Rhodey as War Machine, I'm eager to see what Marvel has in store for the next armored Avenger.

Black Widow is set to come out on Nov. 6.

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