Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker Merges with The Joker in Wicked Mashup Art

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

When you think of acting legend Mark Hamill, not one, but two timeless portrayals would always come to mind. Of course, we'll forever associate him with the Star Wars universe as one of the franchise's OG faces Luke Skywalker but to longtime fans of the Batman mythos, Hamill is also considered as arguably the best Joker voice actor in existence, making a mark (no pun intended) in Batman: The Animated Series.

The famed Jedi Master and the wacky but oftentimes maniacal Clown Prince of Crime don't share many similarities but have you ever wondered how things would turn out to be if their worlds were to collide? Digital artist BossLogic made the perfect mashup artwork and merged Hamill's two iconic characters together and the result is pretty darn awesome.

Officially naming Luke and Mistah J's combo as Luke SkyJoker, this could very well be the closest thing we'll ever get to a live-action Mark Hamill Mistah J. Joker's crowbar combined with Skywalker's green lightsaber is also a nice touch, might I add. Check it out here:

Not a lot of actors can say that they've successfully pulled off two iconic characters especially in a world where stereotyping has always been the norm. If anything, it just goes to prove how phenomenal of an actor Mark Hamill truly is and man, I just hope he realizes the impact he's made in our lives as bonafide geeks. You are a treasure, Mr. Hamill.

Meanwhile, Batman: The Animated Series is now available on HBO Max.

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