Mark Hamill Confirms Who Is Laughing In Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Trailer

Most fans are probably so focused on the footage revealed in the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer that they aren't asking the right questions. For instance, who is laughing at the end of the teaser? Although this has already been revealed, Mark Hamill still wanted to confirm an ongoing theory.

People have been flooding social media with speculations that the laugh in the Rise of Skywalker trailer is not Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Instead, they believe that it might be the Joker, the comic book supervillain that happens to be voiced by Hamill himself. So it's no surprise that Hamill decided to come clean with an awesome tweet. Check it out below.

"Mystery of who's laughing at the end of the trailer: SOLVED," Hamill wrote before adding the hashtag #JediJoker.

Although the idea of Joker wielding a lightsaber is terrifying and amazing at the same time, we're still glad that Hamill still has the same awesome sense of humor. Nevertheless, we're still hoping that nobody would ever hand the Clown Prince of Crime an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

It has already been confirmed that the chilling laughter at the end of the Rise of Skywalker trailer is none other than Palpatine himself. In addition to that, Ian McDiarmid even showed up on stage after the trailer was screened at Star Wars Celebration. However, it is still unclear if the former Emperor will appear as a Force ghost or in flashback scenes. Or maybe he simply survived at the end of Return of the Jedi and is currently a recluse living in the ruins of Death Star II.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is scheduled for release on December 20.

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