For the second day in a row, a brand new anime adaptation has been announced. This time, the lucky series to get an adaptation is the horror-comedy mangaMieruko-chan about a girl who can see evil spirits and monsters but chooses to ignore them.
Originally a manga that started serializing on the ComicWalker website in November 2018, the series will release its 5th volume on March 22nd. It's been licensed for an English release by Yen Press, which has released 2 volumes as of February 2021. As seen in the trailer, studio Passione will handle the animation production with Yuki Ogawa serving as the director. They'll be working off scripts written by Kenta Ihara and character designs created by Chikashi Kadekaru and monster designs from Makoto Uno.
As mentioned in the introduction, this is a horror-comedy with some strong slice-of-life vibes thrown into the mix for good measure. While the trailer doesn't reveal a lot besides an introduction of the main character, there's strong potential here thanks to the mood of the trailer which comes across strongly with its somber tone of voice and dark currents towards the end of the video.
This is a series that has potential, and the premise makes me want to check out the manga ahead of its 2021 premiere (whenever it ends up being). While it might not top a seasonal ‘most anticipated' list, this looks like a series to at least keep your eyes on as they release more information in the coming weeks and months.
I will say that this is the first I'm hearing about this series which isn't a terribly good sign but there's always hope that with the release of more volumes (volume 3 will ship in English this coming June) the series will generate some positive buzz and forward momentum. Come on, little ghost series, do your best!
Source: A.I.R. on Twitter