Magic: The Gathering Pro Yoshihiko Ikawa Shows The Spirit of True Sportsmanship in Mythic Championship Cleveland

Wizards of the Coast

Despite the game violations and disqualification at the Magic: The Gathering Mythic Championship I at Cleveland, Ohio, some players like the champion Autumn Burchett still showed the inspiration and positivity that viewers crave, but let's not forget the sportsmanship that the finalist Yoshihiko Ikawa showed during Day 3 of the high-level tournament.

During Ikawa's semi-finals match against Luis-Scott Vargas, the Japanese pro was seen offering his opponent food before they play. Watch Ikawa's real sportsmanship in the Twitch clip below:

The finals match against Autumn Burchett was also great to watch, and their fifth and last game was so close and intense. Even though Burchett won it all, Ikawa's smile (as shown in the screenshot below) never fades. Wizards of the Coast

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Ikawa's level of sportsmanship will be remembered even though he didn't win the first Mythic Championship this year.

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