Magic: The Gathering Player Disqualified For Cheating & Another Player Got Caught Playing 2 Lands in 1 Turn

Wizards of the Coast

The first Magic: The Gathering Mythic Championship turned out to be spectacular with Autumn Burchett winning the tournament and there was video coverage for the fans to watch and enjoy but some players made some game violations like Magic Pro League member Marcio Carvalho returning a creature after it was supposed to be exiled, but only one player was reportedly disqualified that night.

According to Shawn Dhaliwalon Twitter, his Round 15 opponent, Carmine D'Aniello, was disqualified from the Mythic Championship after he caught him drawing an extra card off with Hydroid Krasis. Dhaliwal also went on to say that he always keeps track of the number of cards in hand, so that's why he caught him cheating. Wizards of the Coast haven't made an official announcement about this disqualification or possible suspension following this offense. You can check out the tweet below.

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Another Magic player, Rob Pisano, was caught making an illegal play on the video. As you can see in the Twitch clip below, he plays two lands in one turn against Patrick Chapin in Round 7 with both at 6-0. The mistake was probably not intentional but it's surprising that the judges, players, and Twitch chat didn't catch that move.

Even professional Magic players make mistakes but it's often hard to tell whether their wrong plays were done intentionally or not. Carvalho's bad record doesn't help his case but it could be an honest mistake. Pisano's two-land play was probably accidental but how can we tell even if it's caught on camera? D'Aniello's reported offense was clearly cheating and it's good that the judge disqualified him for that but he probably deserves to be suspended for that.

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